by Glenn Pasch | Aug 30, 2011 | Customer Service Training, Improved Performance, Leadership Training, Management Training, performance consultant, performance improvement, Results, Uncategorized
I recently related a story to an audience I was speaking to about improving performance. The short version is that my son has some ongoing medical issues and my wife and I are very vigilant in monitoring his progress. When he had to have a certain procedure, the...
by Glenn Pasch | Mar 29, 2011 | Automotive Dealership Training, call center training, Customer Service Training, Leadership Training, Management Training, performance improvement
Hi my name is Glenn and I am a recovering “glass half empty-aholic.” I have worked diligently over time to change my outlook. I have been very successful, but at times I still fall back to focus on what did not work versus what did work. I bring this up because...
by Glenn Pasch | Jan 27, 2011 | Improved Performance, Leadership Training, Management Training, performance consultant, time management
Ok it’s end of January, many of us continue to dig out of snow and when we put the shovel down for a moment, we wonder how quickly time flew by and I have not really kept up with my goals for the new year. I call this time of year the “quick/slow time to Spring”. What...
by Glenn Pasch | Dec 16, 2010 | Automotive Dealership Training, call center training, Customer Service Training, Leadership Training, Management Training, performance improvement, Training
Here we are, heading into the holidays and after 2 weeks of enjoying ourselves, come the morning of January 2nd, everyone will utter the same phrase “I have to cut back” From drinking, to eating, sleeping, (or not) and of course, exercising, everyone is reviewing his...
by Glenn Pasch | Nov 29, 2010 | Automotive Dealership Training, call center training, Customer Service Training, Improved Performance, Leadership Training, Management Training, performance consultant
As we approach this time of year, many of us tend to get our pads and paper out to create those dreaded lists. Food for holidays lists, Gifts for family, gifts for co-workers and the biggest list for most people, the New Year’s resolution list. What many individuals...
by Glenn Pasch | Jun 17, 2010 | automotive customer service, Automotive Dealership Training, call center training, Customer Service Training, Leadership Training, Management Training, performance trainer, Training
I know that sounds like an odd mantra to follow, but it depends on how you view failure. In your company is failure viewed as a disaster or as an opportunity for training? Every time we try something new, failure is going to be a part of it. We start off with great...