by Glenn Pasch | Feb 10, 2013 | Business Strategy, Customer Service Training, Management Training
Recently I was re-reading an article in Automotive News from December 31st, written by Diana T. Kurylko about how luxury brands are stepping up their customer service with new perks and staff training. What was interesting is that finally some brands were looking to...
by Glenn Pasch | Jan 28, 2013 | Business Strategy, Leadership Training, Management Training
I want to speak to the managers of departments or teams for a moment. Have you listened to your team’s vocabulary recently? Not product knowledge, but what they are saying in terms of what has to get accomplished. We take our vocabulary for granted at times. We do not...
by Glenn Pasch | Dec 20, 2012 | Business Process, Business Strategy, Leadership Training, Management Training
If I ask you how 2012 was for you and for your business, what would you say? Great? Good? Brutal? The reason I am putting this out is that this is the time when the pundits all begin their lists of the “Best of 2012” and we somehow feel if we do not do the same, then...
by Glenn Pasch | Dec 5, 2012 | Business Process, Business Strategy, Customer Service Training
In the immortal words of Pete Townsend of The Who: Who are you? I really want to know Who are you? I bring this up because it still seems that businesses are heading into 2013 without any idea of how important constructing and controlling their online reputation will...
by Glenn Pasch | Nov 29, 2012 | Business Strategy, Management Training Program
In the November issue of T&D magazine, there was an infographic discussing how some employees feel bullied at their job. Immediately the image of the playground bully came to mind, but what struck me hardest was the ways they showed how people interpreted being...
by Glenn Pasch | Nov 22, 2012 | Business Strategy, Customer Service Training
Happy Holidays!! Wishing you the best this season! Hope Your Days are filled with cheer! So say all of the holiday cards that adorn our refrigerators from friends and family. Same for the ones I receive at my place of business. We send them ourselves to our customers...