If I asked you to name a company that excels at Customer Service, Would you name your own?

I just got back from the 8th Digital Dealer Conference in Orlando and what an exciting time. Many people stared at the button I was wearing, asking you to “Ask Me about How To Improve Performance”. No, it does not have anything to do with a little blue pill. But for...

When Customers Engage…Is Your Team Ready

Are Your Customers Getting Mixed Messages? Wondering Why your Leads Never Come Back to Buy? Whose Happier at then end of the month…You or Your Competition?? “When Customers Engage…Is Your Team Ready?” Give me 5 minutes and I will give you free...

What Is Effective Feedback?

In a recent article in T&D magazine it stated that of the 3,600+ employees surveyed: •    66% said they have too little interaction with their bosses; •    53% said that when their bosses praised them they received too little information to repeat their...

We are all in the Customer Business

Howard Schultz, the CEO of Starbucks stated, “We are in the customer business serving coffee, not the business of coffee serving customers.”I think everyone who runs a business needs to understand what that means. If you asked your staff, would they say...